Monday, May 12, 2008

Week 10 Information Management

Difference between 'atoms' and 'bits'

What was written 13 years ago is still certainly very true. The difference between the atom and the bits, is the atom is obviously the hard object, something that you can hold a 'hard' thing as such and then the 'bits' is the tiny particles that we cannot see, like the information inside of the computer and how it sends information through wires and come out the same on the other side. There are pro's and con's which come into consideration. Some of the good points are obviously that the sending of bits is fast and cheap, though it may not always be safe. If something does get into the wrong hands the outcome could be quite costly. Though you always know that with the atoms that you have to deliver it my with car, foot or some other means of travel but it goes from one hand to the other. Though the bad side to this is that it isn't always a fast approach and the items can be bulky and hard to store. For every good there will always be a bad.


I new that there were pro's and con's, but you I never actually thought of it in a 'atoms' and 'bits' manner. Though before toady's class I never really thought about these topics. When they are put to me and i realise just how important it is to have the luxury of the Internet and computers, it is going to make study a whole lot easier. To actually have a atom ( computer ) and be able to send assignments through email and access different types of information, it will definately be of an advantage throughout my studies. Though I could come across problems, I know that I can access information through hard copies.

The class was informative and I have had my eyes open, to just how easy things are these days, and how study seems a whole lot easier, than when I first started University.