Thursday, May 22, 2008

Week 12 Social & Ethical Issues

5 Copyright sites

1. An introduction to Copyright Australia
2. Assigning and licencing rights
3. Infringement: action, remedies, offences, penatlities
4. Names, titles, slogans
5. Ownership of copyright

In brief these have somewhat value to me and my further studies. Not only does Accounting need to do the figure, but you have to have a legitament business, with a licenced business name which needs to have copyright. Or another company can trade under the same name.

Music on the Net

Most people think that the music you download on the net is free, but unfortuantely is itsn't. This is where people get it wrong and end up paying fines, because they are using music that wasn't legally bought.
Plan of protection
The best way to protect your computer is to have a reliable software that does this. Some of these being .
~ Install a firewall
~ If you have broadband, turn the computer off when not using it
~ Install an Antivirus software program
~ Don't ever give out private information
~ Do not open emails if you do not know the sender
~ Try not to use Outlook or Outlook express
~ Update virus protection programs daily
I never really understood much about anti virus protection for the computer. It was interesting to watch the podcast and see just how vulnerable some people are, and how smart they can be. It was definately information that I need to help me with my own computer, so that when I am doing research for my further studies, I will be aware of the information that I will give out and just how easy it is for someone to get into my computer and access my files. The better the protection I have, the safer my information is.