Monday, March 17, 2008

Week 4 Finding and Using Web-based Resources

Upon opening the Haggis Hunt website a few things came to my attention that the site was a hoax. Four points in which i believe gave the site away was;
~ Haggis is an Animal
~ The animal looked like a platypus cross echidna
~ That there is Haggis meeting spots in Time Square, NY
~ The information in the Encyclopedia was very hard to believe.

In the
Molossia website, just from the basic information on the main page was a dead give away that is wasn't real either;
~ The main page had information streaming across the middle of it advertising 'Click here to watch our new promotional movie
~ The dates are written in numerical form and also in Roman Numerals
~ Going through and finding information on the traditional foods, is actually quite funny, as most of it is Pasta and then there is cookie dough as the traditional "Cookie Dough Fests"
~ The culture of the country looks like ornaments found on a farm.

PART 2 First Impressions
For this I had to look at, for starters it is an organisation website which is a non profitable site, and the information which relates to him wouldn't exactly be free. I had a quick 10sec look at the site and some of the information seems to be what he represented; then some of it looked like people trying to make him out to be a sinner and that he didn't believe in what he stood for.

After actually reading in the site, it definitely comes across that the main organisers of the site totally dislike Him and all black people. The site is hosted by the main group called KKK, which is an organisation of black people haters. The information provided is of somewhat true about what he said but they have taken what he said and have cut and pasted it to make him look like he did evil. I do not agree with this site and the information that is posted on it. There are links in this site to all different types of people and what they believe in. For those people who do not know who Martin Luther King was and have never read any information on him before, if they were to read the information on this website they would have a very different type of opinion of him. They wouldn't know the full truth, and it is unfortunate that internet sites can provide misleading information. But the real problem is, is how do we really know what is real to what is misleading? I guess that we have to look at the information that is provided to us with an open mind and not always believe what we hear and read.

Summary of Lecture
Internet Vs Web.
Wow I really didn't know the actual difference between these two. I thought that the Internet was the WEB not the cables and connections, you definitely learn something new everyday. It was interesting to find out that the Web cannot exist without the Net, and that the Net was actually invented back in 1961, and yet it took at least another 30years for the Web to be functional all over the world.

The information provided in this class has definitely clarified a few of these different meanings for finding information on the Web. It was interesting to find that the sites that finish in; .com/.co are for funding benefits and yet if it finishes in; .org then it is free. Little things like this was unknown to me prior to this lecture.

This class today was definitely full of useful information and has definitely opened my eyes to the information that is out there isn't always correct, and that it is up to us to find out what really is true and what can be a little more than the truth, or how something is seen through someone else's eyes. This type information on the different sites, can be beneficial in the way that the sites that are educational based will be of more use to me when doing research.
Reading 1
Internet society, explains that the internet has come along way. It could almost be said that the speed of communication has made the business world a better place to be, with material being sent as fast as the click of the mouse. It also states that internet underlies the networking of individual networks that can access the same information.