Monday, March 31, 2008

Week 6 Evaluation & Authentication

Part 1.

Review on &

There are 6 different types of strategies for using a WEB page efficiently. This site asks myself some good questions that i should take into account when i am looking at a WEB page that i am reading for the first time.

After viewing the site INCO 48, there are some differences, i believe that the INCO 48 site has more detailed information on how to look for sites that are a hoax or don't produce the correct information about a topic. There are several way to work out how this can be done, and now that i know i can use this information to help me access the correct information that is needed for a specific topic.

Part 2
Assessing information on two sites;

The first one being - E. Sixties Project.
The information on this site is interesting but the information comes from a source that sells computer software. The information hasn't been update for 9 years. Some of the links in the site cannot be opened, and the layout and design isn't very professional. I find it hard to believe the information from this site to be realistic and authentic.

The second being - D. The Psychedelic Sixties.

The information being presented on this site is up to date and it is resourced from the University of Virginia Library. All the information that is linked to different site is accessable and is legitament. The presentation of the site is very professional and easy to read and understand.

An overview on todays class was a refresher, as we sometimes forget that the information on the net isn't always true, and that the people who put the information on it aren't always correct. It gave me an understanding that sometimes, i use the internet for granted and don't really fine where the source of information comes from. Sometimes i just believe what i read and don't thoroughly go through it. This isn't good, when it come to doing my Uni Assignments i need to make that the source where i am getting my information from is correct and is current.
I should find out about who the author is and when it was published and how Authentic the information really is.