Thursday, May 22, 2008

Week 12 Social & Ethical Issues

5 Copyright sites

1. An introduction to Copyright Australia
2. Assigning and licencing rights
3. Infringement: action, remedies, offences, penatlities
4. Names, titles, slogans
5. Ownership of copyright

In brief these have somewhat value to me and my further studies. Not only does Accounting need to do the figure, but you have to have a legitament business, with a licenced business name which needs to have copyright. Or another company can trade under the same name.

Music on the Net

Most people think that the music you download on the net is free, but unfortuantely is itsn't. This is where people get it wrong and end up paying fines, because they are using music that wasn't legally bought.
Plan of protection
The best way to protect your computer is to have a reliable software that does this. Some of these being .
~ Install a firewall
~ If you have broadband, turn the computer off when not using it
~ Install an Antivirus software program
~ Don't ever give out private information
~ Do not open emails if you do not know the sender
~ Try not to use Outlook or Outlook express
~ Update virus protection programs daily
I never really understood much about anti virus protection for the computer. It was interesting to watch the podcast and see just how vulnerable some people are, and how smart they can be. It was definately information that I need to help me with my own computer, so that when I am doing research for my further studies, I will be aware of the information that I will give out and just how easy it is for someone to get into my computer and access my files. The better the protection I have, the safer my information is.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Week 11 Building Knowledge

Part 1 - Definitions

My understandings of the following words.
Data: Is a combination of different individual facts, statistics and or items for information.
Information: Is knowledge that is gained through study, communication, research and instruction. It is the act or fact of something important.
Knowledge: Is facts or data that one knows, it is information that can be presented without feeling unsure. To have full understanding of something, is to have knowledge of it.
Wisdom: Is the basis of knowledge that starts with data that displays information and when put all together you have wisdom.

Part 3 - Relationship

To be able to understand the relationship between data, information and knowledge and have a clear understanding of how these all relate to each other, will be able to assit me through uni. I understand that I need to have the basic data and the information that goes with it to give me knowledge and understanding of a topic. With having the understanding of a topic comes wisdom. Something I need when I am talking about or writing about in my studies.

Part 4 - 5 Organisations

1. Taxation Department

2. Banks

3. Charities

4. Telecoms

5. Hospital / Doctors

They can take your information for all different reasons, to find out your financial status in society, if your doing the right thing by paying your tax, and that you are not frauding the system. Doctors need your information so if you come back in the future they know if your allergic to a medicine. Telecoms like to have your information too, as they like to call at 6pm when your having dinner and ask you a survey of questions.


To know how this information works and how to use it to improve my learning skills was good. I need to gave an understanding of a topic then work my way up from there, and understanding how these three items come together makes learning new information that bit easier to grasp.

The more I learn and have the right information the better I will be at remembering it and having the wisdom of knowing exactly what it is and what is means.

Week 10 Information Management

Difference between 'atoms' and 'bits'

What was written 13 years ago is still certainly very true. The difference between the atom and the bits, is the atom is obviously the hard object, something that you can hold a 'hard' thing as such and then the 'bits' is the tiny particles that we cannot see, like the information inside of the computer and how it sends information through wires and come out the same on the other side. There are pro's and con's which come into consideration. Some of the good points are obviously that the sending of bits is fast and cheap, though it may not always be safe. If something does get into the wrong hands the outcome could be quite costly. Though you always know that with the atoms that you have to deliver it my with car, foot or some other means of travel but it goes from one hand to the other. Though the bad side to this is that it isn't always a fast approach and the items can be bulky and hard to store. For every good there will always be a bad.


I new that there were pro's and con's, but you I never actually thought of it in a 'atoms' and 'bits' manner. Though before toady's class I never really thought about these topics. When they are put to me and i realise just how important it is to have the luxury of the Internet and computers, it is going to make study a whole lot easier. To actually have a atom ( computer ) and be able to send assignments through email and access different types of information, it will definately be of an advantage throughout my studies. Though I could come across problems, I know that I can access information through hard copies.

The class was informative and I have had my eyes open, to just how easy things are these days, and how study seems a whole lot easier, than when I first started University.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Week 9 Communications

I have entered Twenty 20 Cricket, as my topic of interest. It came up with 234,000 results. There are many different ones relating to womens cricket, the current IPL cricket matches, how it will change the game of cricket in the future.

The information that I read was interesting and some of the suggestions were not only funny but practical as well. It has people suggesting that other countries should try and have their version of the IPL. Though this is the first time a country has run an international team Twenty20, it definately has brought alot of attention to a sport that was becoming less entertaining and losing all of the well known athletes of the game.

Potential Benefits
Podcasts for university students is very helpful as it offers different ways to learn, through visual, audio and reading through topics. This helps most poeple who have different learning styles and need the audio to help them. Podcasts are also a good way of showing information when doing presentations. All video shots or pictures are easily shown through a podcast.
It is interesting to see the different groups that are accessible on the net that all relate to the same topic. Knowing this will come in handy when doing assignments and wanting to see if anyone else has suggestions on the same topics. It will open my understanding of the topic and may help me more. Though I never really had an understanding of Podcasts, it was interesting to understand how they can help in assessments.
Reading 1
Spam; This site explains what a spam is, how you can get it and how to prevent your computer from catching one. If you are unfortunate and do happen to get a spam on the computer this site explains the process of how to get rid of it. It is an interesting site and very detailed.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Week 8 Presentation Skills

"Top 5" List of strategies
1. Keep slides simple, less is more.
2. Do not include a huge amount of information on the slides.
3. Take your time talking, poeple will understand you more if they hear what you are saying.
4. To have fun, you will be more enojoyed if your having fun.
5. When asked a question, repeat it and do your best to answer it, dont go on with the answer if your not sure.
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Power Point presentation are widely used in the professional world. It is the easiest way to present information to a group of people. Knowing how to use power point, is a major advantage. I understand that less is more and that the you interact the group, in whom you are presenting the information to, the more that they will remember.

Though it is easy to go overboard with the amount of information that is being presented, if I only put the major points on it, more will be remembered. I will be able to use the information that was given today, to present a Power Point presenation what will be remembered.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Week 7 EndNote Libraries

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Free Image Hosting at


I found that todays topic, at first, was a little difficult to understand. Though as the Lecture went on and it was used in a few different examples, it was getting clearer. Though EndNote is obviously a program that isn't going to be easy to use the first time, I have an understanding on how it works, and the time massive time saver it.

Though it is a program that is using the data, that I put in it, it may not always be done correctly. I still need to know how to write references and the different ways of doing them. This way if EndNote misses out information that I haven't put in, I can pick up on this.

Overall, this Database is going to be very useful to me over the next few years at Uni.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Week 6 Evaluation & Authentication

Part 1.

Review on &

There are 6 different types of strategies for using a WEB page efficiently. This site asks myself some good questions that i should take into account when i am looking at a WEB page that i am reading for the first time.

After viewing the site INCO 48, there are some differences, i believe that the INCO 48 site has more detailed information on how to look for sites that are a hoax or don't produce the correct information about a topic. There are several way to work out how this can be done, and now that i know i can use this information to help me access the correct information that is needed for a specific topic.

Part 2
Assessing information on two sites;

The first one being - E. Sixties Project.
The information on this site is interesting but the information comes from a source that sells computer software. The information hasn't been update for 9 years. Some of the links in the site cannot be opened, and the layout and design isn't very professional. I find it hard to believe the information from this site to be realistic and authentic.

The second being - D. The Psychedelic Sixties.

The information being presented on this site is up to date and it is resourced from the University of Virginia Library. All the information that is linked to different site is accessable and is legitament. The presentation of the site is very professional and easy to read and understand.

An overview on todays class was a refresher, as we sometimes forget that the information on the net isn't always true, and that the people who put the information on it aren't always correct. It gave me an understanding that sometimes, i use the internet for granted and don't really fine where the source of information comes from. Sometimes i just believe what i read and don't thoroughly go through it. This isn't good, when it come to doing my Uni Assignments i need to make that the source where i am getting my information from is correct and is current.
I should find out about who the author is and when it was published and how Authentic the information really is.